Frequently Asked Questions
How do members join or renew?
Join or renew online at https://www.naeyc.org/get-involved/membership/join. You can use a credit card joining online. Online memberships are processed immediately by NAEYC and you will receive an email confirmation. Or, download the NAEYC/CAAEYC membership form here and mail with payment to NAEYC. Memberships that are mailed to NAEYC can take up to 6 weeks to process. A printable membership application is also available, which can be mailed with payment (Check only) to: NAEYC, P.O. Box 97156, Washington, DC 20090-7156.

What is an affiliate? Which affiliates do I join?
Affiliates are state, regional or other early childhood organizations affiliated with NAEYC. These groups share the mission, vision and goals of NAEYC. When you join, you become a member of NAEYC and CAAEYC (state affiliate) for two, interactive levels of support and resources.
Where can a member locate their membership ID number?
Effective September 2017, NAEYC replaced membership ID numbers with customer numbers. It can be found above your name on the mailing label of your Young Children/Teaching Young Children journal. Or you may contact NAEYC at (800) 424-2460, ext. 4.

Why am I not receiving information from MnAEYC or NAEYC?
In order to receive all of the benefits of membership, make sure NAEYC has your current email address and mailing address. You can update your membership profile with NAEYC by logging into Members Only area of the website. Go to https://www.naeyc.org/ and at the top right of the page look for Member Login. Click Member Login. Your username is your email address and the password is what was provided to you or what you set as your password. If you have difficulty logging in, contact NAEYC at (800) 424-2460, ext. 4 for assistance.
What if I still have questions regarding my membership?
If you have further questions about your membership, visit NAEYC’s Frequently Asked Questions at https://www.naeyc.org/get-involved/membership/faq or you can contact NAEYC at (800) 424-2460, ext. 4.